Wednesday, September 19, 2012
No Cost Control Yet
We now seem to be at the point at which everyone agrees that
something should be done about the cost of health care but few are ready to do
I say few because the Massachusetts
legislature has enacted a law that purports to deal with the issue. But by my reading it is more appropriately
classified as wishful thinking than as potent policy. It says that the rate of cost increase should
not exceed the rate at which the state’s economy grows, but is very vague about
what happens if it does.
I was reminded of all this by a Robert J. Samuelson Op-Ed
column that appeared in the September 16 issue of the Omaha World Herald. The headline over the column was “How to curb
costs of care.” I read it through to
the end, but without finding the answer.
The main subject of the column was the recently issued Institute of Medicine report which claimed that some
30% of health care expenditures were
wasted, identified a number of contributing factors, but, in Samuelson’s words,
“lacks any strategy to promote change.”
The problem, I suppose, is that despite all the criticisms,
most people are happy with the health care they are receiving - particularly when
employers or government are paying for it – and are therefore resistant to proposals
for change.
Consciousness of the problem is growing and a few remedial
things are happening, but when it comes to meaningful reforms, we’re not there
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Cost and Culture
In order to do something meaningful about the cost of health
care, it is necessary for the culture to change first.
A vivid example is provided by the feature article on the
front page of the August 8 issue of the Omaha World Herald.
The Nebraska Medical Center
is the teaching hospital for the University
of Nebraska ’s medical school, both
located in Omaha . The Medical Center
wants to build a new $323 million cancer center and wants Omaha and the local county (Douglas) to
contribute $40 million of that. One
suggestion is to fund part of the city’s portion with a new tax on
cigarettes. Another is for the county to
devote its share of inheritance taxes to the project.
Advocates of the project talk about economic development, jobs,
benefits to the community, and the need for the Medical Center
to remain competitively strong.
Opponents suggest that there are other, more pressing needs for public
funds, like paying down the city’s $500 million of debt and financing its
pension plan which is underfunded by $600 million, an upcoming $2 billion sewer
project, and roads in need of repair.
But the cultural imperative of financial support for health
care is so strong that the project looks likely to be done. County board chairman Marc Kraft is quoted as
calling it a “fantastic project” and indicates that he will vote for it. Board member Clare Duda was quoted as saying
“I think I have to vote for it, even though it really bothers me to put
inheritance tax dollars toward economic development. The county does not do economic development.”
Given the national alarm about the subject, one would think
that someone might ask how the project would affect the high and rising cost of health care. Or how the new facility would allow better
care to be provided at lower cost. Some
curious soul might also ask about the adequacy of existing cancer care
facilities and whether new ones are needed.
We may get there some day, but we’re not there yet.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Counting Blessings
Providers of health care have reason to count their
The September 7 issue of the Omaha World Herald carried an
AP story headlined “30¢ per health care dollar wasted.”
The story was about a statement issued by the prestigious Institute of Medicine which estimated the amount of
waste in health care due to unnecessary services, inefficiency in the delivery
of care, excess administrative costs, inflated prices, prevention failures and
In any other line of endeavor, such a report would produce
an explosion of protest and viewing with alarm.
But this story appeared on page 6 and there was no reference
to in on the editorial page.
The story quoted Dr. Mark Smith of the California HealthCare
Foundation, chairman of the IOM panel issuing the report, as saying that the
remedies included payment reform by the government, less cost shifting to
workers by employers, and a demand (by whom was not stated) for accountability
from hospitals and medical groups. He
also said that doctors had to get beyond the “bubble of solo practice and do
more collaborating with peers and other clinicians. He called it all “a huge hill to climb.”
He said that the good news was that cost could be reduced
without harm to quality of care.
As to the hill to be climbed, the biggest one, I think, is
getting the public exercised enough to force reforms. Health care providers continue to be
venerated and nobody wants to push them very hard.
As I said, they should count their blessings.
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
More on Competition
The subject of economic competition among the providers of
health care apparently remains too delicate for anyone – even right-wing
Republicans - to take on directly.
The Op-Ed page of the September 4 issue of the Omaha
World-Herald carried a column by Bill Keller of the New York Times commenting
on the predicament of Democratic Congressman Ron Wyden (Oregon ) who co-sponsored what is now known
as the Paul Ryan budget proposals. Those
proposals include an option in Medicare that would allow beneficiaries to
decline traditional benefits in favor of a voucher to be applied to health
insurance purchased in the private market.
Midway in the piece, Keller says that “By introducing a
measure of choice and competition, Wyden hoped to prod health care providers
toward more efficient practices….”
Missing from all this is a description of just how the
Medicare voucher would cause providers to become more efficient while
preserving choice.
The only kind of economically effective competition in
health care that I have been able to imagine is one in which patients gravitate
to providers that offer the highest quality of care at the lowest cost. Patients conceivably could do that themselves
as individuals, but under the Medicare voucher proposal they would have to do
it through an insurance company. The
obvious way for the insurance company to do it is by contracting with the best
providers and not with the others. But
that limits choice.
Maybe some day the advocates of Medicare vouchers will
explain how all that would work, but they haven’t done so yet.