Tuesday, May 22, 2012
IT Priorities
As an inveterate critic of how hospitals have gone about
applying information technology, I enjoyed during the latter of my working
years pointing out that while we were spending untold numbers of dollars and
man hours trying to create an electronic medical record, we had not proved
ourselves able to computerize our internal telephone directory. And so at considerable expense we would
issue an updated print version of the phone book every year or so.
So it was with both amusement and interest that I noted a
small story in the May 11 issue of the New York Times reporting that the
government of the City of New York was for the first time publishing its
official directory in digital form, available on the Internet at www.nyc.gov/greenbook.
What this reveals, I believe, is that the internal structure
of hospitals and governments is to a large extent political in nature, with
decisions and priorities being affected more by the relative clout of the proponents
than by the content of the matter under consideration. In the case of hospitals, the people
interested in medical records are more powerful than the people interested in
telephone books and so when it comes to allocating information technology
resources, medical records has a big leg up.
A modest investment in computerizing the phone book could save some
money right away, whereas it is by no means clear that the enormous investment
in developing the electronic medical record has ever yet produced a financial
return. But the priority goes to where
the power is.
I’ll still keep looking for the hospital that follows the
example of the City of New York ,
but I’m not holding my breath.
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Digitizing Health Care the Hard Way
Moving health care into the computer age continues to be a
popular cause among health care gurus, pundits and policy wonks.
The April 30, 2012 issue of The Boston Globe had quite a
long article on the subject, titled Goodbye, Paper. The subhead read “Electronic health records
are being used in hospitals and doctors’ offices. So how are they doing? Do the e-records protect and promote patient
The answer was equivocal.
Some studies suggest that they do while others claim to identify adverse
unintended consequences, like ordering more expensive tests (presumably because
computers make it easier to do so).
In my opinion, the wrong question was asked. The question should have been “Do providers who
seriously try to improve patient safety find e-records helpful?”
Surely the answer to that question would be a resounding
‘yes.” Collecting data, massaging it and
making it widely available is an integral part of safety improvement efforts
and is what computers do well.
The bulk of the effort to expand the use of computers in
health care continues to be based on the belief that doing so will result in
better care at lower cost. Eventually
that may happen, but it will take a long time and the cost will be enormous.
The right way is to insist that providers get serious about
improving quality and containing cost.
Once they do, they will quickly learn that computers can make the job a
lot easier.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Culture Change
I have long been fascinated by the subject of how culture changes. Along the way I have observed one process of
change. When doing a particular thing
violates a cultural norm, people will sometimes just quietly start doing it
with cultural acceptance coming later.
A current example is the salaried practice of medicine.
When I began my career in the 1950’s, medical culture
considered salaried practice to border on the unethical. Group practices got away with it so long as
they were controlled by physicians. A
few teaching hospitals employed faculty members and used their academic role
for cover. But for the rest of the
profession, salaried practice was strongly frowned upon.
One expression of that disapproval was the prohibition
against so-called “corporate practice,” which says basically that a corporation
may not hire a physician, charge for his or her services, and keep the
money. Several states have laws on the
books that make that practice illegal.
A feature called “datadig” in the March 2012 issue of Hospitals
and Health Networks, the journal of the American Hospital Association, reported
that twenty per cent of all practicing physicians in the US are now
employed by hospitals. And by all
indications, that number continues to rise.
While the prevalence of salaried practice is well along, the
cultural opposition to it remains largely untouched. I hear no talk of repealing the
anti-corporate practice laws. The obvious form for the Accountable Care
Organizations now being encouraged is the community hospital with a salaried
medical staff, but it is hard to find anyone who will say that. Organized medicine no longer talks about it.
At first thought, it would seem that this kind of change
would go faster if we were able to talk about it. But maybe talking about it would actually
slow it down.
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Intellectual Nonfeasance
The rate of cost escalation in health care seems to be
slowing down but nobody knows why.
A front page article in the Sunday New York Times of April
29 reports that health care costs rose at a rate of less than four per cent
during 2009 and 2010. This is close to a
sustainable rate and much lower than had been the case in previous years.
When asked what had caused the change, the standard answer
from the academics and gurus quoted was that they had no idea.
I take that to be a sad commentary on the performance of the
intellectual community. After all the
attention that has been given to health issues during recent years, after all
of the concern expressed over the high and rising cost of health care, and
despite the millions spent annually on research in the field of health care,
the level of understanding of the economics of health care remains at such a
primitive level that when there is a significant change in economic trends, no
one can come up with so much as a plausible theory to explain what is going on.
I attribute this to the intellectual community’s obsession
with single payer; i.e., national health insurance. Single payer would pretty much cancel out any
operation of market forces in health care and individuals in academia
apparently have been afraid to explore the subject of how those forces work for
fear that such exploration would be seen as a lack of dedication to the single
payer idea.
I call that intellectual nonfeasance.